Apps to simulate breathalyzer: test your alcohol level

Nowadays, awareness about the dangers of combining alcohol and driving is increasingly present in society. As a result, applications have emerged that seek to help individuals make responsible decisions before getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol.

But what are the best apps to simulate the famous breathalyzer?

In this article, we will explore the most prominent options and the considerations to make when choosing the tool that best suits your needs.

In this article you will find:

What are the best apps to simulate breathalyzer?

For those who want an alternative to the traditional breathalyzer, several applications offer simulation of the alcohol test. The top five apps in this category are:

  • AlcoTest
  • Bafômetro Digital
  • Drunk Locker
  • SaferRide
  • Teste de Bafômetro Prank

1. AlcoTest

AlcoTest is a simple and effective app that allows users to simulate a breathalyzer test on their smartphones. It offers an easy-to-use interface where users can blow into the device’s microphone to get an estimate of their blood alcohol levels.

The AlcoTest provides quick results and can be a useful tool for alcohol awareness before driving.

2. Bafômetro Digital

This app is designed to be a convenient alternative to the traditional breathalyzer. It offers an intuitive interface and allows users to perform simulated BAC tests.

The Digital Breathalyzer can also track results over time, helping users monitor their alcohol consumption.

3. Drunk Locker

Drunk Locker goes beyond simply simulating a breathalyzer. It offers additional features, such as the ability to set alcohol consumption limits and receive notifications when those limits are reached.

Additionally, the app has a rewards system to encourage responsible behavior regarding alcohol.

4. SaferRide

Developed by the US Department of Transportation, SaferRide is an app designed to help users find safe rides when they are under the influence of alcohol.

Additionally, it offers a breathalyzer simulation function to assess blood alcohol levels and make informed driving decisions.

5. Teste de Bafômetro Prank

As the name suggests, Breathalyzer Test Prank is more for entertainment than serious purposes.

It allows users to play around with simulating a breathalyzer test, but it is important to remember that it does not provide accurate results and should not be used as a real BAC measurement tool. It is more suitable for pranks and fun among friends.

Pros and Cons

Apps to simulate breathalyzer

When considering using apps to simulate breathalyzer, it is important to weigh the pros and cons:


  • Awareness: Applications promote awareness about the risks of drunk driving.
  • Accessibility: They are easily accessible and many of them are free.
  • Convenience: Allows users to perform alcohol checks quickly and discreetly.
  • Education: Some apps offer information about blood alcohol limits and the effects of drinking.
  • Alternative: They are an alternative to the traditional breathalyzer when it is not available.


  • Limited Accuracy: Results may not be as accurate as those obtained with a professional breathalyzer.
  • Jokes: Some applications are used irresponsibly for jokes, which can minimize their credibility.
  • Not Legally Binding: Application results have no legal validity.
  • Dependence: Should not be used as an excuse for excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Individual Variations: The rate of alcohol absorption varies from person to person, which may affect the accuracy of the results.

Are apps to simulate breathalyzer reliable?

The reliability of applications to simulate breathalyzer is an issue that generates discussions. While these tools can provide useful estimates of blood alcohol levels, it is important to understand that they are not as accurate as the professional devices used by traffic authorities.

The accuracy of these apps can be influenced by factors such as the quality of the smartphones’ sensors and the way the test is performed.

However, these apps can play an important role in raising awareness about the risks of drinking and driving. They can be useful as an educational tool for people to better understand the effects of alcohol on the body and make responsible decisions. In this sense, they should not replace the use of professional breathalyzers when accuracy is crucial.

Our opinion

In our opinion, breathalyzer simulation apps can be a valuable tool when used responsibly. They can contribute to public awareness and help people understand the effects of alcohol on the body.

However, it is critical to understand their limitations and not rely solely on them to determine whether it is safe to drive after drinking alcohol.

Road safety is a shared responsibility, and the best approach remains moderation in alcohol consumption and choosing a designated driver whenever necessary, regardless of the result of a breathalyzer simulation app.